

Unfortunately, despite our polite request for comedic spam, we have been disappointed in the quality of most of such content (see below).

As such: PLEASE E-MAIL “C H R I S _AT_ WEST CLIFFE GREENS DOT COM” if you would like to subscribe to our e-mail newsletter. Simply remove the spaces, “underscores” (the ‘_’ symbols), replace the “AT” with the ‘@’ symbol, and replace the “DOT” with a “.”.

We will then be able to easily add you to our e-mail newsletter, if interested (just note your e-mail and a short non-bot written request to be added).

Thank you for reading. We don’t intend to pay a WordPress plugin $199.50 “software as a service” (generously calculated as a steal of a deal with a 50% discount for our convenience) to steal your data.

Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

(Note: Although, of the dozens of [usually automated] spam messages we receive daily via this form, we occasionally enjoy reading the small subset of especially humorous ones. Therefor, should you be a manual, as opposed to automated, spam-botter, or similar social parasite, please make it entertaining, as a simple courtesy. For example: escrow account agreement requests; multi million/billion dollar deal offers; invitations for international wholesale distribution of our <many, varied, sometimes but usually not food-related products>; etc., are not entertaining). We don’t enjoy amateur hour, played-out, spam. Thank you for your spam consideration).